sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Rural Honduras

Yesterday we took Tim and Donna Wright to see some of Santa Barbara. They are going to be coming to live in Santa Barbara toward the end of the year. (Lord willing) We are looking forward to working closer with them. Here they are seeing the little hill top that we are reforesting. We are dreaming about a place where pastors and their wives could come to get away. So far it is just a dream, but who knows...
While we were looking around, we saw some pretty typical rural Honduran scenes...

Leaf-cutter ants, which are fascinating critters, if they just wouldn't strip the leaves off of our baby trees.

A litter of piglets...mama was behind the fence.
A team of 30 mules that was going to carry materials to a remote area for something to do with an electrical system.

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