sábado, 31 de enero de 2009

Open question....

Ciudad Dario es a medium-sized town in Nicaragua. I just spent three days there doing a seminar on Peacemaking for a group of teachers in a Christian school. Teaching on the subject has become my passion over the last eight years or so. The material itself has changed as I have learned more. My perspective has changed too, from how do you get out of conflict once you are in one, to how to live a life a peace, whether or not you are in a conflict. More recently, I have delved into the subject of bullying. It is interesting that I am yet to find a word in Spanish that is the equivalent (there are lots of bullys who speak Spanish, just not a single word that really expresses the same idea as the English word).
The teachers are supposed to start the school year next week, and I knew that they had lots they still needed to do, so I finished up my seminar at about 2pm on Friday so they could have a couple extra hours to work. While I waited for my hostess, I sat down with one of the books I had brought along in case someone wanted to buy a book (no one had any money to buy books)It was The Wounded Spirit by Frank Perretti. It had impacted me the first time I read it and impacted me again as I re-read it in the light of what I have been studying about bullies. There are some things that a person can and should do alone, there are other things that a person should never have to face alone, and one of them is bullying. Just wondering...what is your experience? Ever been bullied, and had to face it alone? Ever been a bully or watched bullying and done nothing? What would have helped you?

1 comentario:

Becky dijo...

At the start of the school year, my son encountered some bullies. They pushed his ice cream bar on the ground, stuff like that. His elder sister, who had taken some "anti-bullying" classes, told him to ignore the bullies. "If they don't get a rise out of you, they'll probably leave you alone." She was right. "Now they're bothering another kid," my son said. Too bad these kids feel the need to bully!