domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

a grain of sand

My daughter and several of her friends have a blog in which they write very profound thoughts about very serious subjects. They are good at it. The things they write are well expressed and and well thought out. They obviously love writing, too. They obviously find a great deal of pleasure in doing a good job of putting words together. I love to write too, though I am not as good at it as Hannah and her friends.

I had not read their blog for a while, so did some catching up today, enjoying the really fast connection where we are staying tonight. Of course, I had to wander around the porch, turning circles to find a spot where I could get the signal, but once I got it, it's pretty fast.

Several of the articles I read tonight had to do with their perspectives on war. One article commented on the importance of doing what we can do, where we are, even though we can`t solve the world`s problems overnight by doing that. (said much more eloquently than that, of course) I guess that is why teaching on the subject of peace has become such a passion for me. It seems like something I can do, just a grain of sand maybe, but it is something. I hope, as the economic situation begins to have more and more implications for people, making life more and more difficult and complicated, we don`t stop doing what we can to make a difference where we are. As the world continues to hate and hurt, we can continue to love and forgive. Lots of grains of sand, lots and lots of grains of sand.

1 comentario:

Becky dijo...

I completely agree. Very few people in the world influence thousands. But if thousands of us influenced a few people around us, that could change the world!

Right on, Sister!