jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009

Feeling groovy

Slow down, you move too fast, gotta make the morning last just
kicking down the cobblestones, looking for fun and
feeling groovy.

I don`t know if I remember the words right. It was one of the few popular songs of my high school days that I remember liking. Almost all the songs in those days had double meanings, which I didn`t always get, being rather clueless, so I hope this one didn`t.

It just describes how I have been feeling the last few days. I was sick last week. This week I feel fine. I have a most wonderful husband who loves much better than I deserve. The weather is nice and cool (though rainy, but who cares). I had a wonderful time teaching teachers in Nicaragua. They even want me to go back and teach some more. Saturday and Sunday I get to present the Gospel to a group of 60 or more children. Most of our work is with pastors and their wives who, it is to be hoped, already understand the Gospel. I am really looking forward to talking about Jesus, who loves me even more than my really wonderful husband.

Life, I love you.....feeling grooooovy.

2 comentarios:

Becky dijo...

Cool . . .

Disciplemaker dijo...

Hey, that is one song that I remember as well! But probably not from when you were in high school:)

we played that quite a bit in Panama.

glad you are feeling that way!