lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

Being distracted

I am taking a break from house cleaning. One room to go (this one) and piles of things to put away. I am not a great housekeeper (I tend to be easily distracted... like now), but I do find that taking the time to give the house a good cleaning also tends to clear my mind to take on the next project. This week I am hoping to make a lot of progress on several projects, so cleaning the house today was a good way to start. I am close to done, so I need to get un-distracted and back to work.

Just to make your having made the effort to look at my blog today worth the effort...

A couple of people asked me to include an update on the kids in the blog, so this seems like a good moment to do it...before I get back to cleaning the house, which I will do....
Luke and Tabitha and still in Ohio. Tabitha should be finished with her seminary studies this December. Luke has changed his major to counseling, which is as close as he could get to studying discipleship. He seems a lot happier going this route. It will take him a while to finish, since he can only go part time, but that's okay. Life is like that. He'll get there.

Nathan is still with the Navy. He has to travel a lot with his job, but he seems to enjoy it.

Hannah is in El Salvador for three months, working as kind of a consultant to an NGO. It is not a paying job, but she seems to be thoroughly enjoying it.

Andrew is studying at BSU in Idaho. Just got a job to help pay expenses, so that is good.

That is just about as brief an update as a person can give, but if you want to know more, let me know.

Back to work. .

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