viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

Bare bones and adornments

I just finished preparing 25 picture frames to take on our next pastor/wives seminar. The seminar isn't until the first week of January, but I won't have time later. It takes me two or three days to get everything ready. Each lady will get a "bare bones" picture frame which they cover with a pretty piece of cloth. Then they can choose lace, ribbon, flowers and doodads to decorate it. We take a picture of the couple on the first day of the event, so they have a nice picture to put in the frame when they are done. It makes me happy to watch them, and they have so much fun adorning their creations. A friend just sent me all kinds of pretty buttons and ribbon and "doodads" and I can hardly wait to watch the ladies go to work. For some of them, it will be the only picture they have with their husbands, so it is very significant.

Most of the couples that we work with in these seminars live with a bare bones budget. A lot of churches can either not afford to pay their pastor much, or think poverty is a sign of spirituality in a pastor. (There might be a touch of sarcasm in the comment, but more truth than you would want to believe.) One pastor told John that he had been saving for years to buy a Bible dictionary, but always ended up spending the money on doctor bills. As I talked with the wives, the subject of finances comes up rather tentatively. They really don't want to talk about it much. I did have a moment of insight, though. What would you do if you want to feel pretty, or dressed up and don't have a lot of money? You do your nails!!! I had never thought about it this way before. A bottle of nail polish doesn't cost much, and with a bit of artistic effort, your fingers and toes blossom with tiny flowers. One gal showed me a whole page of designs that she uses to paint nails. That little bit of adornment is easy to do (for them, I don't think I could manage it), cheap, and beautiful!!!

I've been thinking a lot lately about the bare bones of my faith. What would my faith look like, if everything that is secondary was stripped away. What are the very most important parts of what I believe? Do I live like those are the very most important things in my life? (You notice I am not telling you what I decided. Think about it for yourself.) God has told us to "adorn" our faith, so what is the best way to do that? I looked up the word in my concordance and it was quite interesting the things are associated with the word adornment: the way I speak , seeking justice, being faithful, a friendly peaceful spirit, listening to counsel, a happy heart. I think we can make God's heart happy as he watches us adorn our faith with those things.

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