miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

Gonna be gone

We are headed to Nicaragua tomorrow morning and I am not going to even take my computer with me, so I won't be "blogging" for a while. I hope you won't give up on me and will come back in a couple of weeks.
We are going to do a pastor/wives seminar. I have no way of knowing if the ladies who will come can even read (usually there are one or two who can't), so it is a challenge to know how to prepare. This time, Betty Reyes is going to share the teaching with me. She is really a sweet, Godly woman and I am looking forward to spending the time with her. We have a couple of crafts, since women always love that kind of thing. We may study intensely, or we may forget the notes and pray. Whatever it seems like these ladies need.
I am reading the book The Trauma of Transparency, which is about communication. Very good book. Do you ever have the experience of meditating on some idea, coming to a conclusion, and then have it confirmed in someone else's words? Almost like someone heard you thinking that thought and wrote it down? That is what this book has done several times in the last couple of days. One of the things he has talked about is how sometimes we think we have to have it all together in order to help someone else. I know I feel that way sometimes. This quote was like he expressed in words what I had just said to myself the day before: "...Instead of taking a vow of silence, take a vow of saturation. Vow to saturate yourself with the Word of God. Then when you respond with words that others need to hear, they will be words from your mouth, springing from the meditations of your heart, all of which will be acceptable in God's sight. Then later he says: "On occasion, the most appropriate word you could share, the truth they need to hear from you--will be a word of apology. "
So, anyway, I'm gonna be gone for about ten days, but I'm gonna be working on that saturation thing. Hope you are, too.

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